What To Know
- Understanding the basics of garter snakes and vipersWhen it comes to reptiles in France, two species frequently cause confusion.
- Vipers have slit-like vertical pupils akin to those of a cat, while garter snakes feature round pupils.
- In stark contrast, viper bites can be dangerous and potentially fatal in rare cases—approximately one death per year according to some estimates—necessitating immediate medical attention if bitten.
Garter snakes and vipers are often confused, but each has distinct features that can help you tell them apart.
understanding the basics of garter snakes and vipers
When it comes to reptiles in France, two species frequently cause confusion: the garter snake and the viper. While both coexist in similar habitats, they have unique characteristics that make identification possible. Garter snakes are typically harmless to humans, whereas vipers possess venom that can be dangerous.
the key is in the eyes
The most telling difference between these two serpents lies in their eyes. Vipers have slit-like vertical pupils akin to those of a cat, while garter snakes feature round pupils. This distinction is crucial for anyone looking to identify these reptiles correctly.
more physical traits to consider
Apart from their eyes, other physical characteristics can further aid in distinguishing between these reptiles:
- Vipers possess a triangular head shape with flattened skulls.
- Garter snakes have an oval or rounded head.
The scales on their heads also differ; garter snakes exhibit large, flat cranial scales, whereas vipers have smaller and more numerous scales. The same pattern applies to their body scales as well.
tail length matters
The tail is another significant feature when telling these two apart. Garter snakes generally have longer tails compared to the shorter tails of vipers. This difference is quite noticeable upon close inspection.
a matter of safety: venomous versus non-venomous
Ultimately, understanding which snake you’re dealing with can be a matter of safety. Garter snakes are largely non-venomous; even when they possess venom, it’s harmless to humans. In stark contrast, viper bites can be dangerous and potentially fatal in rare cases—approximately one death per year according to some estimates—necessitating immediate medical attention if bitten.